"First you win the battle in your mind. Next you win the battle in practice. Then (and only then) you win the battle in the game.” – Urban Meyer
This mind -> practice -> game sequence isn't taught a lot in life, but it should be. Usually the instruction/teaching you receive as you pursue a goal in life is all about "giving more effort" and/or "trying harder". Those things have a lot of truth in them, don't get me wrong, but they tend to favor the physical component of the game. Physical components can be wasted calories, if your MIND isn't right.
That's why I like the quote from Urban Myer (3x NCAA National Champion Football Coach) so much. It fits right in with GTC's motto: "Life Is Won In The Head & The Heart". Elite performers/people all share something...they have elite mindsets. Whether it has come naturally to them, or they've worked hard to develop a great mind, they all know how to access a confident mind that allows their performance to RISE to an elite level.
More on how confidence is a choice, and can be developed in this post, but for now remember this: GETTING THE MIND RIGHT COMES FIRST.
Why is this important for me? The body follows the mind. No matter where you start with your mental game, anyone can improve theirs. You can become more confident even if you suffer from performance anxiety or insecurity (I know I do). It's a matter of intention, study, and practice. Keep reading the posts on this website and keep practicing the concepts. Seek out great performers, and learn their tricks. You will then win the mind, and have so much fun winning the rest. Cheers to your success!