In a 2022 interview on The Tim Ferriss Show (below), Mark Zuckerberg (founder & CEO of Meta Labs aka Facebook) was quoted as saying the below regarding the meditative side of his hobbies:
“That’s why things like foiling and surfing have been really important to me. Because when you’re out there on the water it’s pretty hard to focus on anything else.”
You may be the type that can sit on the ground, crank up the ole third eye, and plunge deep into TM (transcendental meditation). If you are, good for you. I’m jealous. I don’t have that gift. And it sounds like neither does Zuck (nickname for Mark Zuckerberg).
But I do have hobbies. And hobbies can be very meditative. It doesn’t matter if it’s surfing, fly-fishing, basket weaving, or bee keeping (although I would say for meditative purposes individual hobbies are better). They are more important than the advertised purpose of those hobbies. They are forms of meditation. And meditation can be a big advantage (clearer thinking / more composure, peace, perspective, etc).
Why is this important for me? Did you know you are meditative? If you have a hobby, chances are you know how to get to a meditative state, and you might not even know it. Use that. Don’t feel bad if this doesn’t take the shape of sitting criss-cross-applesauce on the floor. Use your hobbies as a pathway to meditation and better thinking. You will find all sorts of benefits as a result.

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