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Root Yourself: A Parable of Time and Trees

Be The Old Tree

Some things just take time. This is the case especially with good, durable, & long-lasting things. Take the example of trees. The ones that lives the longest (often 100-300 years or more!) grow slowly. Sometimes you don't even notice that they are growing from year to year. This is actually their strength. Growing slowly allows their wood to stay solid, dense, and durable. This avoids disease. Contrast them with fast growing trees which shoot up with notable speed, but do so at the expense of density and strength. This thus makes them prone to a soft/spongy type of wood that easily harbors disease, and shortens their life.

Seeing any parallels to life at large here? We see this in so many areas--sports, finance, relationships, etc--that grab our attention with fast near term "success", but in the end are surpassed & outlived by the less notable, steady, solid grower. Things that are built to last, are built slowly.

Why is this important for me? Make time your ally. Be like the like the old tree. You will be like a Jedi master compared to those whom run themselves ragged chasing fleeting near term success (that isn't to say this is bad if it happens, just keep yours eyes on the long term prize!). Meditate on the below quotes before you move on today. There is a lot of wisdom in them.

"You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant" - Warren Buffett
“Most people over significantly overestimate what they can do in one year and significantly underestimate what they can do in 10 years” - Bill Gates

Old Trees Grow Slowly


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