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Ordinary Magic: Common Abilities, Uncommonly Used

Common Abiltities Uncommonly Used
"Genius is 9/10ths application" - Russell H. Conwell

Common abilities, uncommonly used is a secret to success.

You can be the smartest guy in the world, but if you don't have:

  • Purpose behind what you do

  • Enthusiasm for what you do

  • Persistence / Grit (making the choice to do something regardless of success or failure)

  • Interpersonal skills to one degree or another (develop them if you need to)

Chances are your mission/success won't succeed.

Why is this important for me? Remember the phrase: "common abilities uncommonly used". The people you see doing admirable things are generally no smarter than you, they just embody the above bullet points better. Chances are you may have more talent than your competition, but you need better application processes. History is full of average people doing extraordinary things because purpose and persistence, not necessarily talent. Let the talent be what it will be, and focus on your application process. You will take off and be better equipped to serve your fellow human and let your talents shine.

Resource of Impact - Russell H. Conwell's famous speech Acres of Diamonds (first published in 1890). The speech starts at the 4:15 mark. It is the inspiration for much of this post.


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