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Outsmart Anxiety: Put It In Its Place

Anxiety Unlock

"Anxiety is an overestimation of the problem, and an underestimation of your ability to handle it" - Sissy Goff

I love this definition of anxiety. It is empowering, and it is true. Especially today.

Anxiety often comes about when we feel that our skills are not sufficient for the challenge that lay ahead of us. This may have been warranted in ancestral times when our physical safety was under more immediate threat. Say in the prehistoric era for example, when numerous predators and environmental risks could end one's life during the course of an average day. However, generally speaking, our physical safety is not under immediate threat any more.

That is not to say anxiety is still not present, and at times warranted. In fact it is, and it can be useful to a degree. The key is keeping it in proper proportion. When anxiety is in proper proportion it helps us sharpen our focus and gives us energy and motivation to improve our situation. That's what I like about the above quote / definition of anxiety. It reminds us that if we are experiencing a significant spell of anxiety, it may be likely that we are letting it get out of proportion.

Important side note: While the above is a tip that might help, don't EVER feel bad if you don't completely master an anxious moment or period. NO ONE DOES. The key is taking the edge off of it as much as you can. This is just one tip that may help with that.

Why is this important for me? Carry the above quote with you, and practice it as a first line of defense when you encounter something that gives you a rush of anxiety. Say, "I am OVERESTIMATING this problem, and UNDERESTIMATING my ability to handle it." Practiced over time, that little habit change can be help tilt anxiety on its head. Also, remember a couple of other key mantras, "this too shall pass" and similarly "hard times pass 100% of the time". You will have bluer skies ahead of you. This anxious period is setting that up. Hang in there and be ready to enjoy all the beautiful things that await you. Peace and blessings to you.

“Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot, and you’ll survive whatever is coming.” ― Robert Tew
“I’ve had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.”― Mark Twain


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